Friday, 24 August 2012

Karin Fisher APSC Head of Ethics

Karin Fisher is Head of Ethics at the Australian Public Service Commission.
So............................ Karin Fisher come kiss my fucking Arse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it derelict of duty or Fraud  that this fucking skank is protecting systemic corrupt conduct at the Commonwealth Ombudsman and by the other skank Veronique Ingram head of the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia.

The Australian Public service Commission have admitted they do not have an investigation policy.
This allows Karin Fisher and the faggy Steve Sedgwick to fuck over everyone who makes a complaint.
Fairwork Australia was criticized this week  for also failing to have an investigation policy.
How many  Government Agencies also do not have one?
Under Freedom of Information  the Investigation policies of ITSA and the  Commonwealth  Ombudsman were sought. As yet I have had no response.
ITSA is using S134(3) to fuck everyone over.  Mathew Osborne is giving this advise to all Trustees.
When he told me this he thouht I was a TRUSTEE. I had to ask him twice because I did not believe what I heard the first time.
Extensive evidence was provided to the Commonwealth Ombudsman who did a deal with ITSA to cover the matter up.
Under S  41(f) of the APS Act the Commissioner is required to look into such breaches of the APS  Act.
The  Australian Public service made a deliberate decision that they would cover this matter up which is abuse of Office.
so Karin Fisher( Ethics) and Steve Sedgwick( Commissioner) come kiss my ARSE and now it has been  exposed you have no fucking investigatin policy  you can also fucking lick my Arse all over.

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