Sunday 11 December 2011

Mark Findlay/Commonwealth Ombudsman protects misconduct at ITSA

Systemic misconduct at ITSA has been allowed to flourish at ITSA because it has been instigated by Mathew Osborne Principal Legal Officer and protected by Veronique Ingram Inspector General of Bankruptcy.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman have failed to expose this and instead  decided to do deals with them.
Bankruptcy Regulations was ment to be independent arm of ITSA but this has deteriorated.
Mark Findlay . manager Bankruptcy Regulations instead of being independent covered up for the misconduct.
Mark Findlay covered up for atrocious misconduct by Florence Choo because he had compromised himself and slept with her.

1 comment:

  1. If you wish to complain to ITSA about any misconduct from a trustee firm - think again. Most of these trustee firms - De Vries Tayeh in particular, have staff that used to work for ITSA and remain closely aligned to them. They work together and cover up their own misconduct by deterring people from complaining with the use of threats, increased bills and finding ways to claim whatever you own. In the words of a DT employee - Bob Cruickshank, when I said to him that I would be complaining about his conduct - "...don't bother comaplaining to ITSA, I used to work for them..." - misconduct at its best.
