Monday, 5 August 2013

 Adam Toma/ Veronique Ingram/ AFP protecting corruption

Today I appeared in Downing Center Sydney to plead  not  guilty to S 474.17 by using this blog to  harass the corrupt senior management at ITSA.
Clearly the  Australian Federal Police are not amused by the not guilty plea and were obviously hoping to report back to the CORRUPT Adam Toma and Veronique Ingram that they succeeded in protecting the Systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA.
Again clearly the Federal Police  are experiencing problems where section of the crimes act requires that a reasonable person  needs to be offended in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. 
The Federal Police are aware that that  "in all circumstances"  also clearly means that  it cannot be taken out of context

(b)  the person does so in a way (whether by the method of use or the content of a communication, or both) that reasonable persons would regard as being, in all the circumstances, menacing, harassing or offensive.
As it is a requirement that the Federal Police and the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia ( Adam Toma) jointly  fund this  matter and the Federal Police are aware of the corruption at ITSA  just how far are the federal police prepared to go to protect corruption in Government departments.

Further to this I am told by the Federal Police officer Sucar he regularly reads my blogs and  when I was asked by him" Fiona what do you really want?" I was completely amazed that this Officer is completely CLUELESS to my agenda!!!!!!

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