Sunday, 13 January 2013

How long did Veronique Ingram ITSA protect corrupt Paul Pattison/ Senator Williams/ Senate Standing Committee

How long did Veronique Ingram, Inspector General in Bankruptcy , who needs a big cock up her arse  protect corrupt  trustee Paul Pattison.
ITSA received 9 complaints about Pattison in the 12 month before he was de- registered.
Under FOI it has been requested ITSA disclose how many complaints they received about Pattison in the 5 years prior to his de-registration
Clearly ITSA and the fuckers at Bankruptcy Regulations did not want anyone to be aware of this.
Senior Management at ITSA need a good hard  fucking up their ARSE!!

Question No. 23
Senator Williams asked the following question at the hearing on 25 May 2011:
I want to bring something to your attention. On 9 February 2011 we saw the
headlines 'ASIC launches action to sink liquidator'. The article says:
THE corporate regulator has launched Victorian Supreme Court action to bar Melbourne-based
liquidator Paul Pattison from practising after his own firm sank into liquidation last year.
Mr Pattison owes a heap of money to Bankwest and the Australian Taxation Office. The article
Mr Pattison still operates as a bankruptcy trustee and liquidator through his new practice, Pattison
Business Reconstruction and Insolvency Services, and he controls at least 100 files on company
insolvencies and hundreds more on personal bankruptcies But the Australian Securities and
Investments Commission's court move precipitated an urgent meeting yesterday of the board of the
professional body governing liquidators, the Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia
(IPA), which immediately suspended Mr Pattison's membership and began its own disciplinary
proceedings against him.
I will just add another story, dated Tuesday, 1 March:
Melbourne-based liquidator, Paul Pattison, has voluntarily resigned from his company
appointments following concerns by ASIC about his capacity to adequately and properly carry out
his duties.
Mr Pattison resigned as liquidator or deed administrator of those companies and gave an
undertaking that he would cease to carry out, consent to, or otherwise accept appointment as a
liquidator ...
One experienced practitioner said that it 'beggars belief'' that a liquidator could go broke and yet
continue to practice. Are you people familiar with this Mr Pattison?
Senator Ludwig:
Before we go too much further, Chair: I wonder if we could have that made
available to Ms Ingram and Mr McCosker. I am sure Senator Williams is familiar with my usual
No worries at all, Minister.
Ms Ingram:
Thank you, Senator. I am not sure it is appropriate that I go into detail in relation to an
operational matter, but I can say that Mr Pattison, in his capacity as a trustee, is under review by us.
I would not like to go into any more detail. We have been liaising with ASIC.
The reason I bring this to your attention is that a chap contacted me from
Melbourne after I did some media on the Senate inquiry into the insolvency practitioners industry,
if we can call it that. I am not going to go into detail; perhaps I might be able to talk to you off the
record. I would like to discuss something at a later date with you. Can I ask: did Mr Pattison have
any role with ITSA, or was he a member of any committee of ITSA at any stage?
Ms Ingram:
I am sorry; I would have to take that on notice. I am not aware that he has been. It is
possible, in his capacity, if he is a member of the Insolvency Practitioners Association. They might
have nominated him to a government body, or we have a bankruptcy forum. But I am not aware of
The answer to the honourable senator’s question is as follows:
Mr Pattison was the Insolvency Practitioners Association nominee for a committee formed under
the Bankruptcy Act in 2006 to consider the deregistration of Mr Loke Ching Wong.
That Committee discharged its functions and was dissolved on 5 September 2006. Such
Committees are composed of a Registered Trustee nominated by the Insolvency Practitioners
Association, an APS employee and a delegate of the Inspector-General. This process is mandated in
the Bankruptcy Act at section 155H.

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