The Australian Public Service Commissioner is at it again along with the Skank Karin Fisher.
I refer to the following extract taken from the Annual report 2010-2011.
17 complaints from whistleblowers were received. Of these only one was investigated under whistleblower Legislation , 7 were referred back to the Agency head and fucked over by the Australian Public Service Commission and 3 were thrown out completely.
Under the Financial Management and Accountability Act these complaints should have been investigated under the Australian Government Investigation Standards.
Under S41(f) 16 complaints were made. Only one was investigated.
An investigation under the Dumb Fuck Steve Sedgwick and skanky Karin Fisher consists of an email sent to the agency heads asking them to comment on the allegations and then the matter is covered up .
I know this because I have obtained documents under Freedom of Information. I have now asked for a copy of all the other emails sent to Agency Heads when a complaint is made under section 41(f) but now the commission has fallen silent and will not respond to me for to give me access to these documents would expose atrocious conduct.
So now the Australian Public service Commission is Fucked!!
They can"t do anything about what I write because to take me to court would definitely give me access to all the Document and cost them enormous amount of money that they do not have in their budgets. They know the documents would fuck them over and make my day.
So now I have Commissioner Steve Sedgwick by the cock...........................................
Whistleblowing reports and other allegations
APS employees are able to report alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct to their agency head or a person authorised by the agency head.
Whistleblowing inquiry functions are handled by delegated senior staff in the Ethics Group, with the Commissioner reserving for his personal consideration matters that raise serious public interest issues.
During 2010–11, the Commissioner received 14 whistleblowing reports from APS employees and three complaints from former public servants. Table 4 shows the number of cases received and finalised. Four complaints were carried over from 2009–10. All whistleblowing reports were acknowledged and many substantially responded to within six weeks.
The complaints from public servants concerned poor administration, the handling of internal investigations, and allegations of misconduct by senior managers including allegations of bullying and harassment.
Eleven matters were finalised in 2010–11, including two of the four matters carried over from the previous year. Table 4 also shows the action taken by the Commissioner in response to these cases. The one investigation undertaken found that there was insufficient evidence to warrant recommending an investigation into an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct. In most cases, however, the employee was advised to refer the matter to the relevant agency head for investigation.
While the number of whistleblowing reports lodged is low, they often concern complex interpersonal matters and the issues can take a long time to assess, including whether any or all of the matters have been investigated by the agency in the first instance.
The Commissioner also handled 16 allegations against agency heads made by APS employees and members of the public under section 41(1)(f) of the Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act). The complaints commonly featured allegations that agency decision-makers had failed to comply with their legislative obligations or not exercised their decision-making powers properly. Only one of the ten cases finalised warranted an inquiry.
In previous years the data for agency head and whistleblowing complaints was aggregated. This year they are reported separately, so no comparison with previous years is provided.
Table 4: Whistleblowing reports received by the Public Service Commissioner, 2010–11
| 2010–11 |
Number of reports |
On hand at the start of the reporting period | 4 |
Received | 17 |
Finalised | 11 |
On hand at the end of the reporting period | 10 |
Source of reports |
Current APS employees | 14 |
Former APS employees | 3 |
Action by Commissioner |
Referred to agency head for consideration | 7 |
Investigated under whistleblowing powers | 1 |
No further action or referred elsewhere | 3 |
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